Il suggestivo circuito dell’Algarve é indubbiamente uno dei più belli di tutto il calendario, incastonato tra il verde delle colline e il mare ed è denominato il “Rollercoaster” per i suoi incredibili dislivelli che regalono uno spettacolo unico e adrenalina per i piloti che amano corrervi.
Green Power e i suoi piloti sono protagonisti in questo weekend: vittoria con l’Aprilia di Maverick Viñales in MotoGP nella Sprint, un terzo posto in Moto3 con Ivan Ortolà, e un terzo posto in MotoE con Oscar Gutiérrez.
La sfortuna ci ha toccato purtroppo con la caduta di Viñales nella main race , all’ultimo giro causata da un guasto tecnico e in moto3 con Riccardo Rossi, costretto al ritiro dopo un high-side mentre lottava per le prime posizioni.

“I am really happy for this first victory with Aprilia. I feel good with the bike, we're really in tune and I had a lot of fun in the Sprint. It's a very special moment for me, I've closed a circle. On Sunday, from the sixth lap I realized that something wasn't working with the gearbox, I was losing a lot of time on the straight. I felt I could still win, so it’s a shame about the technical problem. However, I'm happy because I know I gave my best. This weekend we took a big step forward, we recovered the speed and we showed that the RS-GP24 can win. Now we're going to Austin, a circuit that I like and where I arrive more motivated than ever."
"I can’t help but be pleased with today’s result after what we demonstrated throughout the weekend. Something wasn’t working in terms of grip at the rear from the first lap, so I wasn’t able to battle like yesterday. In any case, I am still leaving Qatar knowing that I have a competitive bike and, despite thinking I missed a good opportunity today, the championship has only just begun."

"Mi dispiace molto per Maverick perché ha fatto un weekend incredibile e si meritava il podio, ma purtroppo le gare sono così. Non sono riuscito a trovare il feeling durante tutto il weekend, mancava grip sul posteriore. Alla fine, comunque, ho fatto un buon passo in rimonta e porto a casa dei punti importanti”.
"I'm very sorry for Maverick because he had an incredible weekend and deserved the podium, but unfortunately races are like that. I wasn't able to find the feeling throughout the weekend, there was a lack of grip on the rear. In the end, however, I did a good pace in the comeback and I take home some important points".